Career Advice by MsFiscallyFit

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A Career Guide for the Working Professional

Selling Your Strengths in an Interview

For the employer it is important to determine whether you have the background and experience to fulfill the requirements of the position.  Evaluating your resume is only a small part of the process.  During the interview you have the opportunity to convince them that you are the most qualified and best person for the job.  This can only be accomplished by understanding exactly what they are looking for.  A great interviewee identifies the company's needs and shows them how they can fulfill them.  If you used a recruiter, have them outline all the key qualifications of the position.  If you found the position through the Internet or a newspaper ad, re-read the bulletin and write down the company's requirements.  For each qualification, write out a brief description about how your current or past experience fulfills that specific requirement.  Before the meeting, plan out a way to incorporate these key points into your interview.  This will give you a leg up because you have just made the interviewer's job easier and that is a very good thing!

In addition to your technical qualifications, be prepared to discuss such things as your management style, how you motivate staff and how you deal with conflicts.  Write down some specific examples, as in a real life experiences, to back up you descriptions.  Make sure you are always highlighting your strengths and downplaying your weaknesses.  If you are required to discuss your weaknesses, always end with how you are working on improving or eliminating them.

Every company is looking to improve their bottom line and they are searching for candidates that will help them do that.   So be proactive and be ready to discuss specific situations where your leadership skills resulted in either increased revenues or decreased costs.  Did you spearhead a program that increased client retention?  Did you negotiate a discounted rate from your corporate attorneys?  These types of examples will keep you one step ahead of your competition as you move up the corporate ladder of success.

So put your best foot forward - and we will
"Meet You at the TOP!"

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