Business Advice by MsFiscallyFit

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A Guide for the Business Professional

Share Your Knowledge to Earn Money through Freelance Writing

March 5, 2000

Do you have expertise or credentials in areas that can benefit others by sharing your knowledge?  Would you be interested in working at home and making some extra money or possibly having a full-time income?  Then freelance writing may be for you.

    • Exploding need for content
    • Formatting content for the web
    • Distribution or selling articles
    • Interning to learn

Exploding need for content

Many periodicals and publications are looking for interesting ideas and articles that are related to their content.  Many magazines and newspapers use freelance writers and contributors to supplement their regular staff writers and reporters.  Additionally, with the explosion of web sites on the Internet, there is a great need for original content written by people who are willing to contribute their knowledge or expertise.  Many web sites today advertise right on their site that they are looking for content contributors or find out if they need articles by sending them an e-mail.

Formatting content for the web

Writing for Internet web sites is different than writing for standard offline publications.  Time to read is at a premium today with all the information available to the public through the thousands of publications and the, literally, millions of web sites.  Formatting your articles to maximize the likelihood that it will get read is a must.  The best resource for learning how to write for the web is  Here you can find many articles on how readers actually read on their computer as compared to how they read from regular printed pages.

Distribution or selling articles

After completing your article, you now need to try to sell it or distribute it.  The best way today is to e-mail your article to the different web sites or publications that you think might be interested in your subject matter.  By e-mailing your article, you can reach editors of publications and immediately receive feedback.  For information on obtaining a list of publication e-mail addresses send a request to   When submitting an article to either a web site or a publication, you can request an amount that you want to be paid or you can suggest they pay you whatever they would be willing to pay for the particular piece you have sent to them.  Remember to include your background, experience and contact information.

Interning to learn

If you are an aspiring journalist and you are looking for a way to break into the field, you can contact different publications or web sites to find out if they have an Intern Program.  Pick an area that you are interested in or that you have some knowledge or expertise in and go for it!  Interning is an excellent way to develop your skill, learn about an industry and make valuable contacts for your future career.

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