Career Advice by MsFiscallyFit

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A Career Guide for the Working Professional

Complete the Look of Success

A lot of emphasis is always placed on what you wear in the business environment, but equally important is your make-up, your accessories and how your hair looks.  Each time you walk into a room, make your first impression a successful lasting impression. 

Going from top to bottom, let's start with hair.  Although there are definitely more conservative hairstyles, it is more important that your hair is clean, neatly cut and the color (only our hairdresser knows) is natural looking and maintained (dark roots are a dead giveaway).  If you are looking to promote a more conservative image, you may consider shorter, less full hairstyles.  If you have long hair, you should keep the full "big hair" look for evenings out.

Many will agree (both men and women) that make-up is one of the great discoveries of mankind.  Make-up was given to women to enhance their beauty and cover their flaws (that's the right attitude, what flaws!)  It plays an important part in maintaining that certain professional image we are striving to achieve.  To achieve a professional look, stay with more natural looking, subtle colors and keep the make-up application light.  Remember that office lighting can be very bright and will exaggerate the make-up colors.  Your make-up should just enhance your good features, not draw attention to them.

An easily overlooked area of your appearance is your nails – both fingernails and toenails.  If you are in sales, marketing or do a lot of presentations, many times your audience will be looking directly at your hands as you point something out.  Although there are many creative ways to do your nails, it is best to use natural or subtle colors – stay away from unique designs or appliques.  Keep the fingernail length short.  If on a casual day, you wear opened-toe shoes, make sure your toenails are equally as subtle.

It is so true that accessories can "make or break" an outfit.  Accessories should complement an outfit not detract from it.  Bright or heavy-looking jewelry may clash with your profession looking suit or dress.  Also leave the multi-colored plastic watches for after work.  Don't forget your purse or briefcase.  Have you ever noticed a well-dressed woman carrying a beaten-up looking purse or briefcase…and you thought to yourself:  "What's wrong with this picture?"  Avoid that situation by maintaining the condition of your purse and briefcase and stay away from trendy looking styles.

So FiscallyFitters step out in style – and we will
"Meet You at the TOP!"

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