out of debt MsFiscallyFit.com - mutual funds and mutual fund investing basics for women investors and beginners

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Your Money by MsFiscallyFit

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Your Money
Common Dollars and Sense Advice


What do we have to do to get started?  Well, we all dream of being affluently wealthy and having a great body.  RIGHT?!  However, MsFiscallyFit recommends that, to achieve our dreams, we need to assess our current situation in order to set goals in the proper perspective.  This is a much more humbling approach than throwing caution to the wind, doing whatever feels fine and hoping everything works out just dandy.

Probably, the biggest hurdle we face in reaching our financial goals is that little wicked imp called "debt".  It has been something we have all lived with at one time NO_DEBTor another.  Just when you think you shouldn't use the "card" again you find yourself needing to "charge" a little something you must have.  You make the excuse, "I deserved it.  After all I work so hard".  Like an ex-boyfriend you dumped, your debt won't go away because of that nasty little habit of rewarding yourself unnecessarily.  You wind up owing more and more and more until the pressure starts to mount because you are paying out so much to service your debt that you feel like you are about to drown.  It doesn't have to be this way.  You CAN get out of debt.  It takes discipline.  Ouch!  Discipline sounds so tough.  Cut back on your spending.  Ouch again!  Getting out of debt can be painful, but just like working out you will feel better about your finances and yourself when it is over.

You have probably seen dozens of "programs" on how to reduce or rid yourself of debt.  If you are reading this, you might not have tried any of the other programs for some reason.  We hope to accomplish with you what the others did not by giving you specific instructions and take you step by step without the fluff.  As stated earlier, you will need to be disciplined.  It won't be that hard. This program is laid out so that you can perform all the steps easily so you won't give up.  Let's get started!

One of the things we are going to assume here is that you are not about to declare bankruptcy.  You may be feeling the pressure of your debt but things are not to the point of foreclosure on your home, repossession of your car, your paycheck being garnished, or anything like that.  This program will not address that level of debt.   For this particular program, it is assumed that you have debt, maybe more than you want, and you want to do something about it and are not quite sure what would be the best method to "tackle" the job.

It's paperwork time!  We suggest you print this article as a reference for questions we are going to ask to help you assess your situation and set a plan to get out of debt.  You will need the "Creditor List" form.  You can either print this form (go to Creditor List)  or make your own.  Start by filling out all the creditors you have and entering their phone numbers.  Do not cheat here.  All your creditors need to be listed.  This includes all the money you borrowed from your family members and your friends, even if it is only $20.  By paying even the smallest debt back, you will earn respect from these well meaning people who have so graciously helped you out.  Next, list the interest rates for each.  If you don't know the interest rates, you need to look them up.  If you can't find it on the monthly statement, check the credit agreement or call the creditor for this information.  Write in the balance and the monthly payment.  If you are behind in payments, make note of it.

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